
Living Room Image

Living Room

The Space Company specialises in designing living spaces that are both inviting and functional. Whether it's a cozy family room, a modern entertainment area, or a luxurious lounge, our team of experienced designers will work closely with clients to create a living room that reflects their personal style and meets their specific needs. From furniture selection and layout to colour schemes and lighting, we pay attention to every detail to ensure a harmonious and comfortable living room environment.

Bedroom Image


We understand the importance of a well-designed and comfortable bedroom, as it is a place of relaxation and rejuvenation. The Space Company offers comprehensive bedroom design services, including customised bed frames, headboards, bedside tables, and storage solutions. Our designers will collaborate with clients to create a bedroom that promotes restful sleep, reflects their individual taste, and maximises space utilisation.

Wardrobe Image


The Space Company takes pride in creating stylish and functional wardrobe solutions. Our designers will work closely with clients to design wardrobes that optimise storage space, provide easy access to clothing and accessories, and reflect their personal style. From walk-in closets to built-in wardrobes, we offer a range of options to suit different preferences and requirements.

Kitchen Image


The kitchen is the heart of any home, and The Space Company specialises in designing functional and aesthetically pleasing kitchen spaces. We offer customised kitchen layouts, cabinetry, countertops, and storage solutions that maximise efficiency and create a welcoming atmosphere. Our designers consider factors such as workflow, storage needs, and ergonomic design principles to create kitchens that are both practical and visually appealing.

By categorising our services into living room, bedroom, wardrobe, and kitchen, The Space Company ensures that clients can easily navigate and choose the specific areas they want to focus on, while still receiving the comprehensive interior design expertise and personalised attention we are known for.